Thursday, June 23, 2011

Celebrate National Grown Up Play Day!

When is the last time you jumped, ran, giggled and wiggled your way into a delirious fun frenzy? Kids do it all the time. They have such a natural ability to turn any activity into a game. Grown ups need playtime, too. By taking a break from everyday duties to just laugh and play, our creativity gets all jazzed up and ready to go. I think this is why so many enjoy playing the games on social networks ~ they are fun, enjoyable and a nice break. 

I have to admit, whenever I go into my studio to create, it feels like playtime.  I get lost in time and feel like I'm in a whole other world ~ a world of fun and freedom. You can view some of my playtime creations at

To celebrate National Grown Up Play Day (okay, so its not a national holiday yet, just one I made up) I am giving away a $10 FarmVille Card to one lucky subscriber. To enter, simply write in the comment section about your favorite giggling and giddy playtime experience (keep it clean, please.) Maybe it was a game of tag with your child or kicking off your shoes to let your toes wigging in a fountain. . . A random drawing for the $10 FarmVille Card will be held on Saturday, June 25.

Good Luck!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sometimes, big ole "buts" get in the way

I've been working hard to grow my vision of my barefoot dream ~ 1wingheART.  I know I was born to create.  I was called to create and through my art, I connect with others.  I know the direction I want to take this dream of mine, but just when I'm ready to take that first leap of faith, here come those big ole' "buts."  In yogic tradition, avidya is the film clouding our perceptions, keeping us from seeing clearly ~ a spiritual blindness. Fears and doubts are those clouds that block and distort our desires becoming that spiritual blindess that can hold us back from our souls purpose. I am learning that "buts" and "what ifs" are really tissue paper thin and it only takes a step in the right direction, a prayer of faith and a vision of my highest calling to rip through that veil and live the life I know is mine to have.  But . . ., nothing!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's Raining, It's Pouring ~ and I'm smiling!

Lately, it seems a black cloud is hovering just above my home.  The dishwasher goes kaput, I need new glasses (yes, bifocals!), the puppy we got my son for his birthday got very sick and is spending costly time camping at the vet . . .  and on, and on, and on.  It seems as if when it rains, it truly does pour. Still, in an effort to not be fat and turning fifty in a few months, my husband, youngest son and myself dragged ourselves to our favorite walking spot.  I live in the capital city of West Virginia and if you have never visited our grand mountain state, it is a beautiful sight to behold, especially the area around our state capital with lush grounds and amazing views of the Kanawha river.  So, this past weekend, we laced up our shoes and headed out for a few laps in the early morning.  My husband and I chatted about how we were going to financially "arrange" all the new necessities that had cropped up while my son enjoyed the morning of his 12th birthday following us and listening to his iPod.  Midway into our second lap, the skies opened up and unleashed a powerful rainstorm that drenched us completely.  We had no choice but to continue walking and try to reach our car before we drowned!  As we hurried, my son began laughing and talking about what great fun it was to have the freedom to walk in the downpour.  He was right.  It was humbling - we look a fright.  It was empowering - we were belly laughing in the face of yuck.  It was fun!  Things around here are still breaking, needing fixed and always needing prayer, but now, my outlook has shifted all because I was forced to muddle through the rain and managed to do so with a great, big grin!

Visit me at

Friday, June 10, 2011

Glamour Girl Glow

Look at this picture of my great-niece tearing into her first birthday cupcake.  The look on her precious face shows that she definitely is becoming a girl in love with chocolate!  She has that "glamour girl glow" brought about by delicious desserts. Would you try a little experiement with me?  Close your eyes and take in a deep breath.  Now, go back as far as you can in your memories and try to remember your first birthday.  Can you taste the cake, cupcake or cookie you had? Do you remember how that mouthful of that sugary sweet concoction tasted for the first time?  If you are like me, you probably don't remember.  Yet, somehow, for many of us, a bond was forged with the love of sweets that will never, ever be broken.  Those powerful connections - with others, a beloved pet, a favorite book or TV show  and even birthday cakes - are the ones that brighten our smiles, cause our hearts to beat a bit faster and put a twinkle in our eyes.  Take a moment and be grateful today for something or someone that gives you your "glamour girl glow!

Stop by and visit me for some barefoot dreaming at

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Why I blog

Being a blog virgin, I recently started a new e-course called How to Build a Blog You Truly Love taught by Liv Lane (  To start off this course, she asked this question and I put up the walls.  That was way too personal for me to answer out loud.  What if someone would hear me?  What if they laughed?  What if they got it?  What if, what if, what if.  The truth is, I started my blog, 1wingheART, to showcase my art and writing.  I am just now discovering that blogging is so much deeper.  It involves revealing your true, authentic self to readers - or maybe not - and hoping that a connection forges.  Life is about connections, with others, with art, with puppies, with God - connections that ground us, connections that act as a catapult to launch us into living our dreams.  Isn't it amazing how one little question, "Why do you blog?" can send us on such an amazing journey.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Puppy Power, Guardian Angels, Pay it Forward

My son is turning twelve and we decided to let him get a puppy.  Now, this would be just fine except our house already consists of two adults (me and the hubby), four kids, two older dogs, a potbellied pig, a fish and a turtle - can you say, eieio!  At any rate, this would be, as he says, "his first pet with fur" and he was thrilled.  We headed to our local animal shelter to pick out the pup and Jagur (my son) and Alley (the pup) fell in love.  As we went to purchase Alley, we were surprised to find that the lady before us had paid for us to adopt Alley!  It seems she was adopting a puppy that was brought in along with two others.  The person that dropped off the three also paid for their adoptions - that's the way to do it!  So, of course we paid it forward and contributed to another adoption.  We, on occassion, donate food to the shelter, but have to admit we would have never thought of sponsoring an adoption had it not been for Alley's angels.  By the way, last night was her first night in the house and she slept all night with no whining!

Find out more at

Monday, June 6, 2011

Welcome to 1wingheART: a place for barefoot dreamers!

1wingheART is now "open for business," which is funny since I will soon to be turning 50 years old and am just now realizing what I want to be when I grow up! I once heard someone say that you should never ask a child, "what do you want to be when you grow up," because it leaves them believing that their job defines them as a person.  Well, I believe a persons career does define them if it is a way for them to express their dreams, creativity and to connect with others.  I have worked in the field of education, owned my own yoga and Pilates studio and held all sorts of odd jobs until now - on the cusp of turning 50, I am realizing that I have been called to creativity.  Mixed media art, writing and refurnishing furniture are the things that I do that swallow me - I get lost in time and do not realize that hours have passed.  So, as I kick off my shoes and dare to dream barefoot, I am finally secure in what I want to be when I grow up - a kid playing in paints, markers, glue and getting messy while my spirit soars!  Won't you join me in my journey . . .